Manitoba Master’s Ski club is open to anyone who is already proficient at skiing, but wants to get better. We offer coaching for recreational skiers and hardcore gate bashers. New this year, Junior memberships are available to skiers 14-17 years old. Must be accompanied by a Regular member at all events.
This year our membership form is online. Click here to go to the Manitoba Alpine Ski Division Membership form.
For Regular membership, choose “Masters (Provincial Only)” as the Competitive Athlete Card option.
For National membership, choose “Masters (National and International Racing)”
For junior members, choose “Recreational Athlete U6-U10”. I know, don’t worry about the age category for this.
For General Members (non-skiing), click here and fill out this form.
The fees this year are as follows:
$300 for Regular members. (Masters (Provincial Only))
$325 for Junior members.
$425 for National Card members.
Payment can be made through online banking using the Interac e-transfer function. From your own bank portal, send an Interac e-transfer to No challenge question is required.
Cheques made out to “Manitoba Masters Ski Club” club can also be used.